The last thing I want to do after I’ve spent hours in a gym training clients, is workout myself. Don’t get me wrong, I love training but being in the same environment all day, can get a little boring, and the thought of spending an additional hour there requires some serious motivation at times. Here are some methods I use to make sure I get a workout in at least 3 times a week:

Wake up early

On the days I don’t have to wake up at 5am, I like to get my workouts out the way with first thing in the morning. It sets my day off to a good start, and doesn’t give me the ‘can’t be bothered to exercise’ feeling I sometimes get after my last client.

Trick yourself

A 10 minute workout sound much less daunting than an hour. Occasionally I need to force myself to go to the gym with the aim of only doing 10 minutes of exercise. Every time I have done this, I have ended up completing a full hour’s workout, as it would feel like a wasted journey if I only stayed there for 10 minutes. Even if I didn’t do a full hour, a 10 minute workout would still be better than nothing.

Schedule it into your diary

If I miss a day of training, I make sure I schedule a time to train another day during the week. Having a time scheduled to train gives me no excuse to miss a session.

Have a few days off

With all that being said, if I have been working hard in the gym for a few weeks/months there is absolutely no harm in having a few days off. This can even help your body recover so you perform better when you get back into the swing of things.